All the government employee contribute some share for securing their future through mandatory deduction from their salary.As per government decision all the employee serving on regular basis before 01-01-2006, are entitled for pension after retirement and they contribute in GPF(General Provident Fund). For GPF Status Click Here For the E-Salary and other information staff member may visit intraharyana website As per goverment decision all the employee serving on regular basis after 01-01-2006, are not entitled for pension after rerirement and they contribute in NPS(New Penson Scheme).In this scheme equal share contributed by employees as well as by govermnet which will be given after retirement as per new penson scheme. For NPS Status Click Here As the employee may need his/her money at any time, for that he/she may take advance from his/her GPF account.The GPF advance may be refundable or non refundable.